With our Procurement Support Services we offer you a –more or less - basic service level which is mainly used to simplify your procurement, while our Outsourcing Concept is an all-inclusive full service concept.
Of course, we realize that by generating flexibility for you, we first of all have to offer flexibility to you. We do not want to dictate the content of a service concept to you, based on the principles ‘all or nothing’.
Not only do we customize products for you as we do in daily practice at Bark Innovations; we also customize service concepts.
Every company has its own (operational) problems, short- and long term goals; strategically, financially, operationally and so on.
We don’t believe in the concept ‘one size fits all’. We believe in tailor-made solutions.
Therefore, based on your specific company case we analyse, together with you, which ‘ingredients’ are required in order to achieve the defined company results or goals.
That could mean that after we have analyzed your packaging portfolio, we split it into several parts (based on defined parameters) and combine different approaches in order to suit your demand. All that counts is that your business goals are accomplished.